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Authors Instructions

MJMS publishes works that contribute significantly to the knowledge of management,  computer sciences and other relevant fields. The manuscript should be submitted online or by email to the journal . Manuscripts submitted to the journal are considered for review process on the basis of following criteria: 


1. All manuscripts must be in English and in MS Word format (single spaced)

2. Must not have beeen published partially or fully in any other journal/anywhere else. Copyright to be submitted by the corresponding author.

3. The complete affiliation of the author(s) along with e-mail, mobile no and correspondence address(s) must be provided.

4. Illustrations (figures) of manuscripts should be in compatible format.

5. The body and contents of the manuscript should be as per the journal format.

6. All references should be numbered and cited in proper place within [].

7. Manuscripts submitted under multiple - authorship are reviewed on the assumption that  the copy of the final manuscript has been approved by all authors.

The editor reserves the right to make alterations in the representation of the content without altering the technical aspects.

All communications will be made to the corresponding author only.